Florida Expansion Effort 1932

The San Juan Hotel Orlando--Epicenter of Florida Expansion Effort 1932

In October 1932 just weeks after the production and distribution agreement was signed between EW Keagy and Reymer Brothers< H.M. Young wrote Keagy about expansion and disribution efforts in the State of Florida.

Young expresses an uunwillingness by dealers in the Jacksonville area to take on the product because it was too late in the season. At the same time Y.oung informs Keagy that 33 dealers had been apprached in the Orlando area and 27 had accepted

A desperate call goes out for all the cases of Blennd currently held in Jacksonville be transfered immediately to Orlando with the exception of one case to be left behind

A marketing plan was suggested which incorporated the Rialto Theatre as the focus, it included:

1) space in the lobby of the Theatre Building

(2) a  flash on the screen, seven days before we start to give the drink away and the 10 days that we do give the drink away.

(3) 5,000 circulars, handbilling the town

(4) 50 eassels to be placed in diffeent retailers windows announcing that the public can get a free drink of “Lem-N Blennd” with the purchase of a ticket for the show.

(5) Newspaper space for 10 days

(6) Radio announcing twice a day at the hours of  12 noon and 7 PM

(7) Large painted billboards on the outside of the Theatre Building  for the period.

In addition Reymers would be responsible for 10 cases of Blennd , a haf gross of glasses and the hire of a soda boy for the period not to exceed $20.00.

Excitment is also expressed about a new product coming soon called Lem-N-Blennd Whip.




Categories: Your Memories of Blennd

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