Pictures From Back in the Day !

Let us see your pictures, we soon wil be showing our pictures of Edwin Keagy….The creator of Lem-N-Blend

Trouble Filling the Kentucky Orders—Michigan Calls 1942

FROID Laboratories of Grand Rapids Michigan writes October 30, 1942 trying to get Blennd put in its Crystal-Icer Despenser The customer— White Tavern Shops, Lexington, Kentucky. ECW Geistart of Froid writes Keagy “ordered 3 cases from Reymers on September 16 with their check of $19.40…the check has been deposited…the White Tavern Shops have not recieved […]

Categories: Buy and Sell Blennd Artifacts !, Pictures From Back in the Day !, Where to buy Lemon Blennd Today !, Your Memories of Blennd